Membership Policy
Welcome to Congregation Shir Ami and thank you for being part of this sacred family. Shir Ami welcomes all who wish to be involved, inspired and a participant in the practice of Judaism. We offer a full range of congregational services including a vibrant educational program for learners of all ages, Bar/Bat Mitzvah study, lifecycle milestone events, pastoral care, social action efforts to positively impact our community and the world, social gatherings, personal and intimate worship experiences and celebrations for Shabbat, Festivals, and High Holy Days.
Involvement in Congregational Life
In addition to showing up at our services, classes, celebrations and more, we are also very dependent upon the volunteer efforts of our members to keep our congregation thriving. We request that every member make a commitment to participate in the life of the congregation in at least two ways:
1. To serve on a Shir Ami Team OR an Event Committee; please indicate on your membership form or email us to let us know in what ways you are interested in participating.
2. To host an oneg for one Shabbat Service during the year. There will be a sign up genius link sent in the early fall.
This can be in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one or just because.
Membership Dues
The dues structure is designed to provide the financial foundation for our operating expenses so that we can provide an extensive range of spiritual nourishment for our members in a fair and fiscally responsible manner, and we rely on all members to fulfill their financial obligation to ensure the financial health of the congregation.
The Membership Dues are reviewed each year by the Shir Ami Board which welcomes participation by all members who want to be involved in shaping our community. We have suggested-dues amounts that help us meet the expenses of running Shir Ami throughout the year, and we also provide the option for members to select the amount that they feel they can realistically contribute whether that be more or less than our suggested amount. If you have any questions about membership and would like to speak to a board officer or our clergy, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Personal Donation
We understand that everyone’s ability to give (through dues, donations and time), varies. Your participation is what makes the difference in our success. Please consider with thoughtfulness, care, and generosity how you can contribute to supporting our Shir Ami Community. The dues structure is designed to be accessible to everyone, and, like most non-profit organizations, dues alone do not cover all of our operating expenses, making additional donations critical to secure a financially sustainable future for Shir Ami. We greatly appreciate additional donations that you are able to make.
Other Fees and Obligations
Fees for High Holy Days - High Holy Days tickets are free to Shir Ami members. Members also are invited to purchase Yizkor remembrances, to honor relatives and friends who have passed away ($18 per person memorialized).
For non-member adults, including individual members’ adult guests and family, a minimum donation of $150 per person is required, capped at $600 for non-member immediate family members. An adult is anyone over the age of 18, and seating is free for all children 18 years old or younger. Non-members may apply their donation towards membership.
Members are invited to purchase Yizkor remembrances, to honor relatives and friends who have passed away ($18 per person).
Additional donations from all are welcome and greatly appreciated to help us cover the cost of our High Holy Day choir, musicians, space rental, Rosh Hashana lunch, and Break Fast.
Fees for Life-Cycle Events and Pastoral Care As a privilege of Shir Ami membership, Rabbi David Evan Markus officiates at member Life-Cycle Events such as weddings, B/Mitzvah, baby-namings, and funerals. Donations to the Clergy Discretionary Fund are welcome and encouraged as a way of thanking Rabbi David and supporting the Shir Ami community.
Fees for Special Events such as holiday celebrations, social gatherings, and congregational trips, may require payment in the form of a minimum requested donation to offset the actual costs associated with the event. Underwriting of special events is always welcome and provides a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge a special occasion with a gift that benefits the whole community.
Social Action and Caring Community are part of the core values of Shir Ami. Members are encouraged to make an annual donation to each of these funds so that the congregation can respond to a need or event in the life of one of our families, in the community, or on a global level.
Hebrew Lessons and Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Individual and small groups may be created for learners of all ages and the fee will be determined based on the program being offered. The fee for a full B/Mitzvah program will include use of the sanctuary, private instructional time with Rabbi David, the accompanist during the service, and all study materials and supplies. All fees must be paid in full prior to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service.
What if I can’t afford the dues?
We have a non-exclusion policy for any person(s) wishing to become a member of our congregation. Suggested dues amounts are listed on the membership form as well as a space to write in the most generous dues amount that you can realistically contribute this year (this may be more or less than the suggested amounts).
May I pay my dues and fees in segments over time?
It is much easier to receive all dues and fees at the beginning of the fiscal year prior to the High Holy Days. However, a pay-out plan may be arranged.
What is expected of me as a member?
Join in and don’t be a stranger. Be an active member of our community by volunteering and participating in whatever way you find most meaningful. Worship with us on Shabbat, bring your family and friends to our holiday celebrations and special events, volunteer for our social action projects. We are delighted to have you as part of our family and joyfully anticipate your presence whenever Shir Ami gets together.
If my spouse does not intend to participate in congregational programs, events, and services, may I register as a single parent household?
We treat all family members the same no matter how much or little they attend congregational programs, events, and services. Life-cycle events and pastoral care, as well as all programs, events, and services are provided for all members of congregational families. The dues structure is designed to ensure that the congregation will be there for all members whenever the need arises. A Single Parent Household refers to families where only one parent is living in the home. However, in the case of a Two Adult Household where one adult is a dues-paying member of another congregation, a family may choose to join as a Single Parent Household.
Membership Policy
Welcome to Congregation Shir Ami and thank you for being part of this sacred family. Shir Ami welcomes all who wish to be involved, inspired and a participant in the practice of Judaism. We offer a full range of congregational services including a vibrant educational program for learners of all ages, Bar/Bat Mitzvah study, lifecycle milestone events, pastoral care, social action efforts to positively impact our community and the world, social gatherings, personal and intimate worship experiences and celebrations for Shabbat, Festivals, and High Holy Days.
Involvement in Congregational Life
In addition to showing up at our services, classes, celebrations and more, we are also very dependent upon the volunteer efforts of our members to keep our congregation thriving. We request that every member make a commitment to participate in the life of the congregation in at least two ways:
1. To serve on a Shir Ami Team OR an Event Committee; please indicate on your membership form or email us to let us know in what ways you are interested in participating.
2. To host an oneg for one Shabbat Service during the year. There will be a sign up genius link sent in the early fall.
This can be in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one or just because.
Membership Dues
The dues structure is designed to provide the financial foundation for our operating expenses so that we can provide an extensive range of spiritual nourishment for our members in a fair and fiscally responsible manner, and we rely on all members to fulfill their financial obligation to ensure the financial health of the congregation.
The Membership Dues are reviewed each year by the Shir Ami Board which welcomes participation by all members who want to be involved in shaping our community. We have suggested-dues amounts that help us meet the expenses of running Shir Ami throughout the year, and we also provide the option for members to select the amount that they feel they can realistically contribute whether that be more or less than our suggested amount. If you have any questions about membership and would like to speak to a board officer or our clergy, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Personal Donation
We understand that everyone’s ability to give (through dues, donations and time), varies. Your participation is what makes the difference in our success. Please consider with thoughtfulness, care, and generosity how you can contribute to supporting our Shir Ami Community. The dues structure is designed to be accessible to everyone, and, like most non-profit organizations, dues alone do not cover all of our operating expenses, making additional donations critical to secure a financially sustainable future for Shir Ami. We greatly appreciate additional donations that you are able to make.
Other Fees and Obligations
Fees for High Holy Days - High Holy Days tickets are free to Shir Ami members. Members also are invited to purchase Yizkor remembrances, to honor relatives and friends who have passed away ($18 per person memorialized).
For non-member adults, including individual members’ adult guests and family, a minimum donation of $150 per person is required, capped at $600 for non-member immediate family members. An adult is anyone over the age of 18, and seating is free for all children 18 years old or younger. Non-members may apply their donation towards membership.
Members are invited to purchase Yizkor remembrances, to honor relatives and friends who have passed away ($18 per person).
Additional donations from all are welcome and greatly appreciated to help us cover the cost of our High Holy Day choir, musicians, space rental, Rosh Hashana lunch, and Break Fast.
Fees for Life-Cycle Events and Pastoral Care As a privilege of Shir Ami membership, Rabbi David Evan Markus officiates at member Life-Cycle Events such as weddings, B/Mitzvah, baby-namings, and funerals. Donations to the Clergy Discretionary Fund are welcome and encouraged as a way of thanking Rabbi David and supporting the Shir Ami community.
Fees for Special Events such as holiday celebrations, social gatherings, and congregational trips, may require payment in the form of a minimum requested donation to offset the actual costs associated with the event. Underwriting of special events is always welcome and provides a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge a special occasion with a gift that benefits the whole community.
Social Action and Caring Community are part of the core values of Shir Ami. Members are encouraged to make an annual donation to each of these funds so that the congregation can respond to a need or event in the life of one of our families, in the community, or on a global level.
Hebrew Lessons and Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Individual and small groups may be created for learners of all ages and the fee will be determined based on the program being offered. The fee for a full B/Mitzvah program will include use of the sanctuary, private instructional time with Rabbi David, the accompanist during the service, and all study materials and supplies. All fees must be paid in full prior to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service.
What if I can’t afford the dues?
We have a non-exclusion policy for any person(s) wishing to become a member of our congregation. Suggested dues amounts are listed on the membership form as well as a space to write in the most generous dues amount that you can realistically contribute this year (this may be more or less than the suggested amounts).
May I pay my dues and fees in segments over time?
It is much easier to receive all dues and fees at the beginning of the fiscal year prior to the High Holy Days. However, a pay-out plan may be arranged.
What is expected of me as a member?
Join in and don’t be a stranger. Be an active member of our community by volunteering and participating in whatever way you find most meaningful. Worship with us on Shabbat, bring your family and friends to our holiday celebrations and special events, volunteer for our social action projects. We are delighted to have you as part of our family and joyfully anticipate your presence whenever Shir Ami gets together.
If my spouse does not intend to participate in congregational programs, events, and services, may I register as a single parent household?
We treat all family members the same no matter how much or little they attend congregational programs, events, and services. Life-cycle events and pastoral care, as well as all programs, events, and services are provided for all members of congregational families. The dues structure is designed to ensure that the congregation will be there for all members whenever the need arises. A Single Parent Household refers to families where only one parent is living in the home. However, in the case of a Two Adult Household where one adult is a dues-paying member of another congregation, a family may choose to join as a Single Parent Household.